


Formerly known as Hurely Burley Studio, Izz has been connected to the Magic community in one way or another since M10. With over 14 years of experience spanning the competitive scene, as an artist altering cards for Magic events, or making content on all the socials Izz really is our resident “Magic Boomer”. Her deep ties to the artist community as well as the competitive scene offer a vastly different perspective than DogoDudes more casual claim to the community.  

As a member of the Autistic and LGBTQIA+ communities, She is a strong advocate for the rights and safety of marginalized groups as well a strong proponent of believing in women and victims when they speak out. 

Izz can be found on TikTok sharing her daily life, on YouTube making long form rants, on twitter advocating for others, and on twitch streaming DND and other fun content. A lot of her content is 18+, but if you’re old enough to enjoy it she brings a bubbly energy to the internet.


MrDogodude is the self-proclaimed Joven expert of the Magic the Gathering community. Possessing the most robust and unique collection of Joven cards and Joven merch, including the ONLY graded Joven card in the world, sure backs up the claim. 
When he's not punting cards, cutting them in half with a chainsaw, or just generally being a menace to the MTG community he is advocating against bigots and abusers in nerd spaces. You'll either love him, or you'll despise him...rarely does anyone fall in the middle. 
His primary form of social media is his TikTok page, MrDogodude (same on all socials). He does dabble with Instagram as well, and much to his dismay, X (formally known as Twitter)
"I may not be the smartest, funniest, or best-looking person you'll ever meet...but god dammit you'll never forget you met me."


Although not a co-host technically, Shucken_not_Stirred is integral to the podcast as Snargs official Editor in chief! (he’s the only editor, he’s chief to himself)

Shuck is the world’s number one and potentially only Shuckle fan. When he’s not playing video games, watching anime, or being one of the most loyal friends you’ll ever have he is an avid Magic the Gathering player and master deck builder. Out of all three members of the Snargs family, he is by far the resident expert on MTG cards, format metas, and in general the ins and outs of the game. 

Shuck is also very active on social media hosting several long form content shows, editing several others, and managing to make a small but mighty appearance on TikTok. He can be found on YouTube co-hosting a Yu-Gi-Oh progression series (where they buy packs of cards and slowly upgrade decks over time) and also the new show “Whose turn is it anyway?”, a commander based show featuring several other amazing creators.